Old & Broken Jewellery

buy jewellery

Do you want to turn your old jewellery into cashflow?

We offer the best prices in town and the fastest most convenient service. We will assess and evaluate any individual item or collection for potential purchase. Our expert and friendly staff have years of experience in helping customers turn unwanted or broken jewellery into cashflow.

If you have a piece of jewellery you think maybe worth something but you are not sure, we’ll be more than happy to offer you the best valuation and assessment of your item. You can email us at hello@agdglobal.com.au

Best prices for unwanted and broken jewellery

We not only evaluate pieces based on the value of the metal and the gems, we also assess items based on their style, charm and pedigree. We will look at:

  • Broken pieces
  • A single earring
  • Complete collections
  • Items from deceased estates.


We are always on the lookout for gold, silver and diamond jewellery. Items include:

  • Rings – gold rings, diamond rings and engagement rings
  • Bracelets
  • Charms
  • Earrings
  • Cameos
  • Pins
  • Chains
  • Brooches

Our services and reputation are based on offering transparent and honest assessments and valuations.